Garden Level, Corinthian Plaza
121 Paseo de Roxas St., Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel. No:+632-8523-9283
Mobile: +63917-706-5093

Prostatitis treatment could be easy, moderately complicated or frustratingly difficult. It is important to diagnose Prostatitis early on and be able to get the proper and adequate treatment from the onset.
Our Prostatitis Treatment Protocol entails:
Doing thrice weekly Prostate Massage with serial White Blood Cell (WBC) monitoring of the Prostate Fluid per visit coupled with Culture-based antibiotic regimen for an average period of 6-8weeks or until condition fully resolves.
Ideally sexual partner/s of patients should be simultaneously treated with the same antibiotic that is based on the result of their collective Culture & Sensitivity test that has been done. Otherwise, a Patient under treatment or already treated should avoid sexual contact with his partner to avoid reinfection until she has been completely treated with the same medication and she has been cleared with the same standard of test of cure as her partner.
Repeat Chlamydia testings through Immunofluorescence Microscopy (Direct Fluorescence Antibody) for Quantitative monitoring of Chlamydia elementary bodies to determine the effectiveness of the antibiotic regimen.
Repeat Culture and Sensitivity testing for previously positive organisms to confirm whether the initial dominant causative organism has been eradicated (test of cure).
Culture and Sensitivity for yeast infection and a culminating anti-fungal regimen is given if warranted.
Repeat Trans-Rectal Ultrasound (TRUS) when applicable for patients with an Enlarged Prostate.
Follow-up Prostate Care entails:
We recommend a Periodic Maintenance Prostate Massage for all adult men to keep a healthier Prostate. It is like periodically throwing the garbage in ones Prostate to prevent it from accumulating. Whatever cures Prevents.